Vision to Success
Here’s where leadership really counts! The importance of getting club consensus and engagement, and having written plans cannot be overstated. Clubs who have gone through visioning and then stumbled with execution are often the ones who tried to “wing it”! Our Vision to Success process includes six specific steps and a Vision to Success guide to ensure the club succeeds beyond expectation in year one and in the years to come!
During the session, your club members volunteer to take part in six steps that set your club up for success.
- Gather the ideas
- Develop a motto or statement of purpose
- Design a Master Plan
- Share the plan with the club
- Create Action Plans for each goal
- Choose an Impact Leader or Impact Team
When you begin that process, you have a Club Vision to Success Guide to remind you of the steps established during the Club Visioning. Utilizing the guide, Club Officers and a team will create a Master Plan, strategically putting in the plan the ideas that will be worked on in Year 1, year 2, and year 3. This creates a road map for incoming leaders to help them during their year in leadership. In addition, utilizing the guide, Club Officers, Directors and/or Committee Chairs along with their committee will create Action Plans for each idea in year one. In its simplest terms, the Action Plan sets a goal, then proceeds to define, in writing, who will do what by when adding resources funds as needed. This creates movement!!!
An important additional step is to select an Impact Leader or Impact Team who will take on the role of championing the goals. The responsibility of this person or team is to keep the plan alive and provide someone who will continue to ask the question, “How are we doing in moving our plan forward?” With this critical role assigned, this person or team will assure the plans under each goal are being moved forward and nurtured; therefore, ensuring eventual success.
The Vision to Success Guide takes the club through each of the six post event steps, including “how to” do the step, things to consider, how have other clubs done this, and other tips. In addition, other ideas about keeping the plan alive, both inside the club and in the greater community, are given.