Step 1 – PERSONAL INTRODUCTORY EVENT - Team member meets potential interested Rotary leader to gain trust, build relationships and schedule a conversation with District leadership. Refer to rivisionfacilitation.org FAQ
Step 2 – Presentation to District Leadership - In person (or virtual) meeting to discuss District goals and values. International Visioning Facilitation Council (IVFC) demonstrates Club Visioning (CV) philosophy and gathers data to build a needs analysis for building a team in that District. IVFC adds to ZOHO database in “leads” District # and contact information.
Step 3 – Enrollment Agreement - IVFC sends enrollment agreement and District pays fee to IVFC. Conversion of Lead to Subscribed District in ZOHO. District leadership and District Visioning Chair work with Zone Visioning Chair (ZVC) and IVFC training team to develop training program to meet the needs of team development.
Step 4 - Club Visioning Training for District - ZVC works with Training team and District to build skills, confidence, and resources for successful delivery of Club Visioning in District.
Step 5 – CV promotion within Club leadership by District - Working with the newly formed District Team, IVFC supports resources for them to successfully market program to their clubs.
Step 6 – Active Club Visioning program in District - Regular CV sessions with reporting of activity back to IVFC and District leadership succession engagement.
Step 7 - Renewal - Annual renewal with IVFC to maintain subscribed status.
There are at least three measures of success:
An immediate measure of progress will be the members’ pledge and willingness to move the planning processes from a nice-to-do concept to meaningful growth programs for the Club, its members, and its community.
The second is that the output from this session is woven into the annual plans of the incoming and succeeding Presidents. It will be reflected in the continuity and consistency of programming and leadership in your Club.
Finally, the long-term mark of accomplishment will be at the end of three years when your Club advances from where it is to where it wants to be.
As a Rotarian in a club that requests a Club Vision Facilitation, the facilitation team anticipates you will participate in the Rotary Vision Questionnaire (RVQ), review the Rotary International Vision Statement and Strategic Priorities, and complete the club vision writing exercise before the club vision workshop. In the workshop, we request that you come with an open mind, stay the entire session and be fully engaged in a productive, creative session to define the future of your Club. That includes our hope you will share your views, hopes, and expectations with thoughtful candor.
You can expect to have a voice in your club’s efforts to set your club’s direction and how it operates. A club vision workshop will either be one 4-hour onsite session or two 1 ½ hour virtual sessions. The onsite location or the virtual club vision invitation will be provided by your Club’s facilitation “sponsor” or the district facilitation team.
In the Workshop, the facilitators will then…
Ask everyone to introduce themselves so all have of a sense of who is in the session
Provide a brief overview of creating a club vision
Extract club vision ideas from everyone’s writing exercise and capture the ideas as 1-6-word headline on a flipchart or on the online screen. You and your fellow Rotarians will “see” and envision your future Club in terms of membership, club attributes, special projects, fundraising, and the like.
Lead your Club through a structured prioritization voting method enabling Club members to develop consensus around and commit to take action on the most important areas to achieve the desired Club future.
Introduce creating a master and action plans to support implementation of the Club vision. You will have an opportunity to practice creating an action plan within a small group.
The facilitation concludes when specific assignments of responsibility for next steps are identified and includes a preliminary determination of what needs to be done, by whom, and by when.
For on onsite Workshop, your local Club Facilitation Sponsor will select a site that is comfortable, spacious, and convenient. The Sponsor will also take care of the meeting room environment following workshop requirements provided by your District Club Vision Facilitation Chair and District Club Vision Facilitation Coordinator.
For a virtual Workshop, you will be participating online through your computing device (computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone…). A virtual workshop meeting invitation will be sent to you by the District Club Vision team facilitating your workshop. You will have the same opportunity to speak, raise your hand, ask questions as you would in an onsite workshop.
Your club will identify a “Club Facilitation Sponsor” who will provide all the information and direction you will need before the Workshop. Your Club Facilitation Sponsor will work with your District Vision Facilitation Chair and District Vision Facilitation Coordinator to outline the expectations of a Club Visioning Event and provide your club with all the preparation materials necessary to ensure a successful event.
The session is intended for all interested Rotarians in your club—from your newest members to your most tenured. The breadth and depth of the facilitation workshop is ensured when Club leaders and its opinion-makers participate.
Participants will often represent current or past roles as president, director, and committee chair. Moreover, attendance is expected among present board members, the current president, president-elect, president-elect nominee, immediate past-president, and two other past-presidents. Their collective involvement is essential.
For large clubs, the number of participants for an onsite or Virtual Workshop needs to be limited to 25-30. We have found that more participants than that result in not being able to complete the Workshop in the allotted time.
Your Club leadership wants to clarify and plan your club’s direction with club member participation. A Club Vision builds consensus on club direction, continuity and consistency among leadership and programming, and sets the stage for future progress.
Club Visioning had its humble beginnings in 2002 within District 5960 – Eastern Minnesota and Western Wisconsin USA at a small Rotary Club requesting a strategic planning event. This effort of a single Rotarian (Steve Wilcox) to help a club has grown into a program supporting the Rotary Clubs of 150+ districts across the world. Over 2000 Trained District Vision Facilitators are able to respond to a club invitation to facilitate a Club Visioning Workshop as part of a trained team following a proven process.
Business Planning is for an organization to develop a Strategic Plan and converting it into an Action Plan. Club Visioning is a planning tool designed for Rotary Clubs to facilitate the planning process.
The Club Visioning process gives Rotary Clubs and its members the tool to plan and decide the Club’s future activities. All members can participate; from giving input in the initial stage to share his or her views in the workshop to finally develop the action plans for the activities the Club has chosen to focus on as a result of the process.
Thanks to the Vision to Success process, the Rotary Club jointly has identified and selected areas and actions it wants to focus on. As a result of the visioning process, the Club’s impact in the community should increase, making more individuals in the community interested in becoming members of the Club
As things always change, the Vision to Success process encourages Clubs to regularly (yearly) review progress. The final documents of the process, Master Plan and Action Plans, provide easy steps for the review. It is important to regularly review and analyze progress, as this gives the Club and its members the opportunity to make adjustments to meet any changes that may have happened over time.
Club members want their Rotary Club to succeed. Club Visioning gives each member a unique opportunity to make her or his voice heard. Everyone can and should participate. The final product of the process is a Master Plan and Action Plans with clear goals and steps to succeed. Each member can see her or his role in accomplishing their Club’s success.
While the concept is the same, Club Visioning can be arranged as an on-site session, typically 3.5- 4 hours, or delivered on-line via Zoom or another platform. For on-line versions, we recommend splitting the session into two parts, conducted closely together in time. Each on-line session is normally 2 hours long.
The final documents from the Visioning process, Master Plan and Action Plans, will be a living document and should be reviewed on a regular basis. The review will give the Club and its members an opportunity to analyze and make changes/corrections as conditions may have changed over time. For the document overall, we recommend the review be done at a minimum of yearly. For individual Action Plans, it may make sense to review them more often, depending on the timelines for each specific action.
Your District will appoint a District Visioning chair who will work with a Zone Visioning Coordinator to identify the needs of your District Team. In addition, on the IVFC YouTube channel (found on this site under useful links) we have training videos posted and live session excerpts to help your team stay up to date on delivery.